
course features

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In today's rapidly evolving and technologically advancing world, education is not only a process of imparting knowledge but also a crucial platform for cultivating future innovators and thought leaders. Our school understands this deeply, and thus, we have adopted a series of cutting-edge educational methods to develop students' comprehensive and in-depth cognitive abilities, creativity, and problem-solving skills. These methods include STEAM education, competition-based teaching, interdisciplinary learning, synesthetic education, project-based learning, and right-brain education. Each educational approach aims to break traditional subject boundaries, encouraging students to explore, practice, and innovate in a diverse learning environment. Through these methods, students not only learn from textbooks but also develop key skills essential for adapting to future society, such as critical thinking, teamwork, and creative problem-solving abilities.


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The school adopts the core principles of STEAM education. STEAM emphasizes the organic integration of knowledge and skills from different fields to cultivate students' comprehensive thinking and innovation capabilities. At our school, we place art at the core, as it not only stimulates creativity but also helps students develop observation skills, expressive abilities, and emotional intelligence. Meanwhile, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics serve as tools to realize artistic creativity. Through interdisciplinary integration, students can understand and apply knowledge more comprehensively.

Competitive base Teaching

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The school adopts a competition-based teaching method, which combines the learning process with elements of competition to encourage students to strive for excellence and improve their overall abilities. This teaching approach often takes the form of contests or competitions where students compete with peers or teams to achieve the best performance. The core principle of competition-based teaching is to motivate students through competition, fostering their confidence and goal-oriented thinking. Students typically face specific challenges or tasks, requiring them to apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems and achieve success. This method helps develop students' problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and innovation skills.

interprofessional learning

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The school has adopted interdisciplinary learning, which aims to break down the boundaries between subjects and promote communication, collaboration, and knowledge integration across different academic fields. This approach encourages students to not only delve deeply into their major fields of study but also to branch out into other disciplines to gain a broader range of knowledge and skills. The core principle of interdisciplinary learning is the recognition that real-world problems often cannot be solved by a single discipline alone but require the combined knowledge and methods of multiple disciplines. Therefore, students are encouraged to explore other fields, understand the perspectives, methods, and tools of different disciplines, and apply this knowledge to their studies and problem-solving. This approach helps them view problems from various academic angles, propose innovative solutions, and integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines to tackle complex challenges.

Cross-sensory education

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We adopt synesthetic education, which aims to provide profound learning experiences and opportunities to perceive the world by integrating multiple senses such as sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. This educational approach emphasizes the importance of sensory experiences, encouraging students to interact with knowledge and the environment in a richer and more comprehensive way. The core idea of synesthetic education is to stimulate students' curiosity and creativity through creative methods and multi-sensory activities. Students are not merely passive recipients of information; instead, they engage in hands-on experiences, exploration, and creation to deeply understand concepts and themes. This educational method not only facilitates better knowledge absorption but also helps students develop sensory and communication skills.

project-based learning

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We implement project-based learning(PBL) to promote deep learning and mastery of knowledge by engaging students in real-world projects. Unlike traditional classroom teaching, PBL emphasizes students' active participation and problem-solving skills, encouraging them to apply knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines in a comprehensive project. This project may involve scientific experiments, social surveys, engineering designs, artistic creations, or various other tasks. Students need to autonomously choose methods, gather information, analyze data, and eventually present their outcomes. The core idea of PBL is to integrate learning with practical application, fostering students' critical thinking, collaboration, and innovation. This method helps students gain a profound understanding of knowledge as they apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations.

Right-brain education

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Our school adopts right-brain education methods, emphasizing the development and cultivation of students' right-brain functions to promote creative thinking, perceptual abilities, and artistic creativity. Unlike traditional left-brain education, which focuses on logic, mathematics, and language skills, right-brain education encourages students to understand and apply knowledge in more creative ways through visual and perceptual approaches. The core principle of right-brain education is to create a creatively rich learning environment through visual instructional methods. This includes artistic forms such as drawing, music, drama, and crafts, as well as visual instructional techniques like imagery and mind mapping. This approach helps students understand information in an integrated manner, fostering their spatial thinking and imagination.


At our college, we firmly believe that education is not just about imparting knowledge but also about inspiring potential and cultivating comprehensive abilities. By integrating diverse educational methods, we are committed to creating a diverse and interactive learning environment for students. Here, students can master the application of knowledge in practice, enabling them to stand out in a rapidly changing world. Through this comprehensive and in-depth educational approach, we expect every student to discover their unique qualities and realize their dreams on the paths of academic and personal growth.