
Principal's story


The road to creative design

The journey of Principal Sze's creative design began with dissatisfaction with the traditional education system. Observing that many excellent students in the arts and sciences often ended up in monotonous and low-paying careers after graduation, he chose a different path, into the field of creativity and design. Initially, he spent some time at a university affiliated with the Hong Kong University. During this period, he noticed that design education in Hong Kong often emphasized rapid learning and placed excessive focus on vocational skills, neglecting the cultivation of critical thinking and creativity. Consequently, he made the bold decision to pursue further studies in the United Kingdom, where he received special admission approval from the interviewer after an impressive interview. Eventually, he gained acceptance into the Bachelor's Degree program at the University of the Arts London.

The Journey to Studying Abroad

The journey of studying abroad began with Principal Sze's university admission, marking a challenging period in his life. Transitioning from being an academic achiever to a struggling student, he faced difficulties in university, especially due to the lack of exposure to British-style creative design in his high school years and the limited emphasis on research in Hong Kong's education system. Consequently, professors at the University of the Arts London criticized him for his theoretical approach, highlighting the lack of practical investigation. This situation persisted until the end of his sophomore year, during which he faced the risk of academic failure.

In his third year of university, Principal Sze was fortunate to encounter his mentor, Cyril Shing, a disciple of Zaha Hadid and co-designer of the Canton Opera House. Under Cyril's guidance, Principal Sze gradually developed his own design language and style. During his free time, he also participated in projects led by Zaha Hadid. Throughout his university years, he actively explored innovative fields, researching concepts such as self-operating houses and publishing architectural studies on autonomous, self-replicating structures inspired by biological principles. With forward-thinking ideas and rigorous arguments, Principal Sze ultimately graduated from the University of the Arts London with excellent performance, earning both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

After graduation, Principal Sze returned to Hong Kong, becoming a brand consultant for the global fast-food Brand McDonald's and a design consultant for luxury brands such as Hermès and LV. He contributed to the design of Facade and jewelry. Additionally, he participated in numerous influential art exhibitions. His ability to navigate various industries was attributed to the design thinking and creative mindset he acquired during his university studies, which proved adaptable across diverse fields.


However, business success did not bring him satisfaction. Deep within, he harbored a dream—to share the valuable experiences and knowledge he gained in the UK with a broader audience. Thus, he wholeheartedly immersed himself in the field of education. Through his teaching, he excelled at inspiring students, enabling them to achieve artistic enlightenment and intellectual elevation. Over the years, his guided students have secured countless admissions to prestigious overseas universities.

Through his dedicated efforts, he successfully nurtured batches of outstanding students who have not only excelled domestically but have also achieved remarkable success internationally.

The students he educated, upon returning to their home country after graduation, have become shining stars in various industries, spanning across China, the UK, the US, and around the world. Among his graduates are signed designers for popular brands, marketing directors for Shenzhen-based fashion chains, founders of independent fashion brands in the UK, globally renowned photographers, and executives in real estate companies. Their careers have been positively influenced by his guidance, marking a lasting impact.


In conclusion, he reflected on his experiences from academic pursuits, professional work, and student mentorship. Collaborating with the Canadian Educational Organization, he co-founded the Creative Design Academy of the Canadian International School of Foshan. This Academy leverages the strengths of British education, employing the British IGCE, A Level, and BTEC subjects as academic foundations. By seamlessly blending art and technology, the Academy aims to cultivate students' design thinking and creative methodologies. He hopes that through this Academy, he can assist students aspiring to pursue careers in innovation and design industries, guiding them to meet university admission requirements more efficiently and with fewer detours.

Dear parents and dear students:

Innovative thinking is a spirit of daring to challenge and willing to try. Innovation means breaking the norm, transcending tradition, and being brave enough to make self-breakthroughs. Innovative thinking is not just about coming up with novel ideas, it is more of an ability to resolve problems and improve continually. It also represents a courageous response to unknown challenges. It occurs in various fields. Through innovation, we can drive social progress and continuously optimize and ameliorate our ways of living. Social advancement is propelled by innovative talents. In this rapidly changing world, innovation has become the thrust for us to move forward, being the key to leading social development. Therefore, we firmly believe that nurturing innovative thinking opens up more possibilities for students’ future.



Creativity and Design Abilities

The realization of innovative thinking is inseparable from creativity and creativity. In everyday life, we often face various challenges and problems, and creativity and design abilities are key to helping us find new, creative solutions. These abilities can be used not only to develop new products and optimize processes but also to address a variety of issues.

Innovation in education should be universal, not a privilege for a few. We believe that everyone has the potential to be molded, and our teaching philosophy is inclusive, recognizing that each individual possesses unique strengths, regardless of their background or innate talents. We aim to nurture individuals into unique talents, pursuing the goal of developing talents with innovative thinking and design capabilities who will become leaders and elites in future society.

We are dedicated to creating a learning environment that inspires innovation and design potential. We encourage students to think actively in challenging situations, providing opportunities to stimulate their creativity, cultivate their leadership, and develop a global perspective. Simultaneously, we aim to nurture students' intrinsic potential, insight, and critical thinking while providing them with external talents, expressive abilities, and methodological tools. This is to equip them for success in their future careers. Ultimately, our goal is to reawaken the long-dormant talents within each student.

Emphasis on the Integration of Theory and Practice

Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on integrating theory and practice, encouraging students to engage in project-based learning, interdisciplinary studies, and problem-based learning. We provide opportunities for students to participate in domestic and international competitions, offering chances to implement creative and design concepts through activities such as planning exhibitions and events. This not only fosters students' creativity and design skills but also establishes a solid foundation for their university admissions. Our teaching team is comprised of experienced and passionate professionals who guide students in mastering cutting-edge technological innovation methods, fostering practical skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Welcome to join us! I look forward to growing, exploring, and creating together in this international, multicultural, and creative school environment. At our school, you will receive a comprehensive education, gaining not only academic success but also fostering innovation and design capabilities. We are excited to embark on this thrilling learning journey with you, creating a brighter future together.

thank you all!