
Study planning

Why is study planning so important?

Nowadays, many students are confused when choosing universities and future career plans, so that they choose the wrong direction and choose a school at random, which makes them take many detours. In fact, students need to plan before applying to college because it helps them clarify their career goals, interests, and long-term plans. With a good plan for further studies, students can more specifically choose universities and majors that suit them, increasing their chances of being admitted. At the same time, they can plan their academic and professional careers and lay a solid foundation for future employment and personal growth. This helps increase the likelihood of success, reduces uncertainty, and allows students to meet future challenges with greater confidence.

Junior high school (grade 9)

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Academic subjects:

Laying a solid foundation in disciplines:
Focus on establishing a solid disciplinary foundation. Students will study core subjects such as mathematics, art, languages ​​and more to ensure they have the necessary academic skills.

Independent study skills:
Develop students’ independent learning skills, including critical thinking skills, time management, reading and research abilities. To cope with more complex academic requirements in the future.

Art and Design:

Creativity cultivation:
Cultivate students' creativity and imagination. Understand the core concepts and techniques of art. Explore different art mediums and materials, experiment with a variety of artistic styles, and develop their creative expression. Learn the fundamentals of art, including painting, drawing, color theory, art history, and art techniques.

Aesthetic sense:
By studying different works of art and styles, students will develop aesthetic awareness and learn to appreciate and evaluate works of art. Help students become more tasteful art viewers and creators.

Further studies:

Academic support:
Students will receive academic support, including tutoring and additional learning resources, to ensure they build a strong subject foundation in their first year of IGCSE.

social activity:
Students begin to join the student union, called leaders or officers, and can organize their own societies and clubs, which help accumulate experience and demonstrate leadership and organizational skills.

First year of high school (grade 10)

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Academic subjects:

In-depth subject knowledge:
In the second year of study at IGCSE, students begin studying all their required subjects in greater depth. They will build on their first year and further expand their subject knowledge. They receive additional instruction in experiments, projects, and exams.

Independent research:
Students will conduct independent research projects to develop their research and writing skills. This helps prepare you for higher-level academic courses.

Art Design:

Creativity cultivation:
Students will rotate through six majors: fashion design, three-dimensional design, visual communication, animation games, film photography and fashion management. Gain a deeper understanding of different art fields and find a specialization that matches their interests and abilities.

Professional ability development:
Students will develop the core competencies required in each major.This may include tailoring, fabric making, design drawing, model making, animation, photography and fashion communication concepts

Further studies:

Career Exploration:
The school will also begin to guide students through career exploration to let them understand different college and career options to help them make plans for future studies.

Volunteering and Talent Development:
Students will participate in community volunteer service projects to demonstrate their social responsibility. Talents will also be developed in sports and artistic specialties.

Sophomore year of high school (grade 11)

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Academic subjects:

Laying a solid foundation in disciplines:
Students will develop a solid foundation in three selected A Level subjects. They will study core subjects in depth, building important knowledge and understanding. Expand your mind with in-depth research.

Independent study skills:
Students are encouraged to develop independent learning skills in their first year, including independent reading, problem solving, experimentation, and project management which will help them better cope with higher level academic demands.

Art Design:

Professional direction choice:
In G11, students will choose one of the majors, including fashion design, three-dimensional design, visual communication, animation games, film photography and fashion management. They will begin to study in depth the university sub-majors and career paths of their choice.

Creative accumulation:
Students will continue to gain creative experience, applying knowledge and skills in their major through a series of projects and assignments. Some projects take place in group projects to develop teamwork and communication skills.

Further studies:

College application preparation:
The school will guide students in preparing for college applications, including writing personal statements and researching college options. Students will begin building their college application materials.

Overseas exchanges and academic competitions:
Students will participate in summer school courses at overseas universities to demonstrate academic ability and adaptability. At the same time, students will also participate in competitions in mathematics, science or other fields and win honors and awards.

Senior year of high school (grade 12)

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Academic subjects:

Laying a solid foundation in disciplines:
Students will develop a solid foundation in three selected A Level subjects. They will study core subjects in depth, building important knowledge and understanding. Expand your mind with in-depth research.

Independent study skills:
Students are encouraged to develop independent learning skills in their first year, including independent reading, problem solving, experimentation, and project management which will help them better cope with higher level academic demands.

Art Design:

Professional direction choice:
In G11, students will choose one of the majors, including fashion design, three-dimensional design, visual communication, animation games, film photography and fashion management. They will begin to study in depth the university sub-majors and career paths of their choice.

Creative accumulation:
Students will continue to gain creative experience, applying knowledge and skills in their major through a series of projects and assignments. Some projects take place in group projects to develop teamwork and communication skills.

Further studies:

​Application materials and portfolio:
The school will assist students in completing college application materials, guidance on college selection and interview preparation, including perfecting personal statements, completing the application process and organizing portfolios. In the second semester, the school will provide students with university accommodation, pick-up and drop-off registration and other services.

Research and internship experience:
Students will participate in research projects in science, engineering or other fields to enhance their research capabilities, while also gaining internship experience in fields related to the creative industry.